Now that practically all the sub-assemblies for the binders are done, it’s time to start putting things together.Getting the insides of the binders in place, while maintaining electrical continuity was tricky, but by now I didn’t expect it to be simple! The chromed piece that the connector went through had to be flush mounted, so I shaved its pins to enable it to fit better. I also only partially inserted the connector into the green binder section, thus allowing the pin of the arm where the electrics run to engage with it as it all was pushed into place.
Here’s the binders mostly done.
I started with the water slides. They went on reasonably well.
This one is fresh, so there’s some small imperfections that will dry out. I was surprised how good the water slides were to go on.
I had to glue the funnels in place or they’d fall off at the slightest touch.
The water slides are packed very tightly on the sheet, so I did these ones for the body at the same time as the large binder ones they’re next to.
Finally I was able to get it all together and wow – the LEDs actually work. One binder is a touch fiddly with its connection to the shoulders. I’ll sort that out when I get everything complete.
And I thought it good to attach the stand mount as the mech is a tad un-stable with the binders in place.