Now that the main body is complete, work can continue on the arms. There are 6 arms – 2 at the front and 4 at the back.The red armour pieces on the arms are reasonably detailed, with a nice line around the main edge that I’m panel lining in white, and some small indented sections that I painted with Tamiya gunmetal, and then masked.
The colours all go well together, and I really like how the two tones on blue go with the copper of the fingers and the red of the arm.
I added Alclad copper details, masked and then painted the rest in Alclad aluminium. I then went in by hand and added some Tamiya smoke along the edges.
The arms attach reasonably well, with big sturdy pegs. They’ve got to be sturdy with the weight of this kit. With the rear arms attached, it’s rather back heavy though.
The front arms really help with the look of the Neo Zeong.
But I like what you can do with the rear arms. It’s great to have such interesting stuff going on with the rear of the kit when usually the focus is to the front.