Many years ago I remember building some of the original Patlabor kits, Helldiver and Phantom Labor. They were great kits with fun flexible rubber sections. Now with the imminent arrival of the new live action Patlabor TV series, we have the release of 1/48 Patlabor Ingram AV.The kit has an interesting level of detail, with a good cockpit and chair for the pilot (pilot included, made out of rubbery plastic). The armour is very detailed with good panel lines, rivets, etc. which will really add to the realism of the finished kit. The inner frame is partial, with not much visible detail, but there are some cool looking flexible plastic sleeves covering the elbows and knees.
For the chair and interior of the cockpit I chose a light grey, that I added some density with careful use of Tamiya smoke to shade the shape, lots of black oil paint wash to bring out the details, and a light dusting of lighter grey paint to add dimension. It’s hard to see, but of course, I know it’s there!
These sections of the inner frame for the feet are quite nicely detailed, with small hydraulics on view. The main paint is Tamiya gunmetal with Tamiya smoke on top to darken things down. The details are gold and silver Gundam marker, hand painted.
Here you can see better the shading on the seat, and I’m starting to add the white armour pieces.
The white armour pieces are painted with Alclad grey undercoat, then Createx white (thinned with Tamiya acrylic thinner and Future Finish).
The small details for the lights were first painted with Tamiya smoke to darken around edges to give contrast to the lights. Once that was dry I hand painted in Gundam silver marker on both lights, and then small drops of Tamiya clear orange paint to complete the lights, following the stickers.
Here’s all the pieces getting panel lines!