Now that all the parts are painted and have a protective top coat, it’s time for panel lines and assembly. I’m deliberately not putting on the clear red shoulder and gold badge pieces yet as I don’t want them to end up getting flat coated.The feet are intricate and look good. I had to use glue and clamps to hold the two sides together. The ability for foot articulation is a bit of a hack without an explicit joint or polycap for the toes to move.
The legs were tricky! Getting the upper armour sections on over the black plastic sleeve is not easy as the sleeve obscured the connection point, and as you place the other half on, it catches on the sleeve and you have to poke at it to move it out of the way as you join the parts together.
The shield is simple, with just three pieces to it, but it’s got some gorgeous detail that really comes with the panel lining.
The chest section has an abundance of detail.
The head has so much detail! But it works. I used some Tamiya blue paint for the ends, masking off the rest of the piece.
This centre section does come with some small orange stickers for the lights, but I’m so much happier how the clear orange over the metallic foil looks.
Super amounts of exterior detail here, that gets really brought out with the panel line wash.
Putting the head onto the chest. Yup, it’s looking good. Such a great level of exterior detail.
Looking closer at the feet. I love the visual design of the feet, but I’m wanting more solid construction. I know exactly what I want – a 1/24 scale Perfect Grade of this kit.
And the arms. Oh my what a fiddly build! The plastic sleeves are painful to work with. But the end result works visually and doesn’t hinder any mobility.
Thoughts so far
This kit has a high level of detail for any bit of the kit that will be visible once complete. But it’s lacking a full inner frame, and it’s lacking key articulation in the feet.
I hate having to fill seams, and I don’t see why the legs and head could not have been designed slightly differently to avoid visible seams. The kit feels half-way between a HG and an MG, and that makes me a little uncomfortable because I can accept the faults for an HG, but I keep being drawn to the excellent level of exterior detail.
Next up to add some weathering and final assembly.
Those feet look awesome, shame about the actual construction itself. Can hardly believe how hackneyed this kit appears to be, bad job Bandai!!
Rest of build is looking lovely as per, makes me want to build mine badly.
Really like how you have brought out the detail and panel lines on the shield as well.
Bring on the finished Ingram!!!