Although I finished the Eagle Transporter a few weeks back, it has taken me some time to get set up again to take nice photos of my models. Although I had a frustrating time with some of the build, the end result is really quite stunning.
It certainly helps that the Eagle is an iconic space ship design, and a design you could almost believe would really work and function as a transporter around a real moon base.
The kit is a very accurate reproduction at 1/2 scale of the 44″ studio models used in the making of the TV series Space 1999.
Due to the plot of the TV series crashing Eagles every week, and the moon being covered in dust, the Eagles were not shown pristine and clean, so I used a moderate amount of weathering, and I’m very happy with how that came out. I really like the undersides of the shoulder pods and how they show more wear than the upper surfaces.
I magnetized the beak section to make it easily removable so you can see the pilots.
The whole front beak section comes off too!
I always liked the red-striped rescue passenger pod, and given the stark colour scheme of the rest of the kit, it also adds a fair bit of much needed colour.
I made the pod removable by putting magnets in the roof and in the spine.
The pod has great details, and I’m very happy with how the masked panels show through on the red stripes.
Of course, painting the red stripes took forever to get the masking right, but it was worth it.
There are details everywhere on this kit! I went quite conservative on the painted panels on the pods and engines. They’re a little more visible in real life, but they blend in so nicely without being distracting, yet still break up on the monotony of white that I’m very happy with how they came out.
From every angle, this kit impresses.
From below you get to see the thrusters and the details on the landing gear.
Can’t really say too much more other than how happy I am with how this kit came out!

Wow, this really brings back memories.
Think the amount of “tuning” you had to do with this kit paid off.
Great job, and I love the starkness of the overall finish.