Hoi Hoi San Costume Change
First up we have Hoi Hoi San in her “Costume Change” kit form. No WIP on this kit. I’m waiting on new Alclad grey primer to arrive so I wanted to work on a kit that wouldn’t take too much time, or need grey primer. The painted parts were all done with Alclad white primer, which worked really well. I could leave the primer unpainted for the white sections, masking as appropriate to add the details on the guns. I used Tamiya Gunmetal for the black pieces on the hairband, darkened down with Tamiya Smoke. Alclad chrome detailed with a few drops of Tamiya smoke really helps the speaker section on the headband stand out. I used neon green Createx paint for the shoe laces. As some of the parts are pre-painted, you can, for the most part, just assemble this kit, although the weapons really benefit from painting. I did carefully hand paint some of the nubs that show white from the pre-painted pieces though, and some drops of blue on the nubs of the dark blue pieces just to disguise them.
Patlabor Helldiver
I’m really happy how the weathering came out on this guy! The kit itself is rather basic and shows its age. There’s some nice details to get into though!
Mechanicore Zerstore
He’s big… He’s detailed…. But don’t try to pose it! Even just carrying him over to get photographed he feels delicate. I love the level of detail. But hate the contractions gotchas.
DM Launcher Strike & Sword Strike
I’ve got to say I’m happy how these two kits came out and how they look together. Masses of detail, and I really like the design of the weapon packs. The Sword is big, but the Launcher is huge! Love it! The arm that holds the Launcher is well designed and you can get the mech to hold the gun quite well.