RX-78-2 continues to be an interesting and enjoyable build. As with all Gundam kits, I tend to really enjoy the leg sections, and this kit is no exception. There’s some nice details on the legs and I’ve painted in where I think will stand out appropriately on the final kit. I went with the copper on the sliding thigh sections because I love how the Alclad Copper looks, and even though it’s elsewhere on the legs, you just don’t see enough of it!
The waist section went pretty smoothly. I like how the front part is actually a door and behind it you can see some inner detail.
These parts go at the top of the arms. They’re simple, but still have a good level of detail.
I didn’t find the elbow joints too fiddly at all. They went together reasonably smoothly for me, but perhaps that is because I painted the copper sections rather than use the supplied stickers?
The completed waist section really shows off the great colour differentiation on this kit. Having parts moulded in sections of shades of the main colour is a great feature of the RG line of kits, and when I compare this to my RX-78-2 V1.5 you can really see the advantage this brings to the look of the kit.
And of course, the insides of the skirt pieces look great too. The white oil wash worked really well here on the dark gunmetal base colour.
Even the shoulder pieces have a great construction and level of detail too them.
The nearly completed arms show how good the detail and colour differentiation is on this kit. I really like how the new style hands came out. I’ll have to see how they work for holding the weapons.
For the joint caps, I undercoated with Alcad grey primer, then put Createx white pearl on top, which goes silvery over grey. I then masked the tops with drops of masking fluid, painted the outsides Createx white, and then Future Finish before using a black oil wash for the details.
Finally, I was able to bring all the sections together. Even without the water-slides done, this is an impressively detailed kit. It felt good going together, with a positive snap on the limbs and no sign of parts wanting to fall off.
My subtle colour modifications seem to home together well. I like how the more orange hues I picked for the yellow pieces integrate in, and all the colours stand out nicely from the white/grey/dark grey armour.
I like the proportions too!
And here he is with the rest of the pieces.
I’m really happy with how the red shades worked on the shield. It’s always tricky to differentiate the colours enough that it looks part of the design, without going so bold as to stand out too much and look awkward. My first attempt at the shield was just too strong!
Spectacular!!! As much as I am not an RX-78-2 fan, your paint scheme is excellent. Love the reverse panel wash on the insides of the skirt pieces.
I agree with you about the colours standing out from the whites and greys. I feel they are complementary, rather than overshadowing though.
Good job GN.
I’m very happy with the paint scheme, and the white oil wash worked better than I expected. I’ll be using that one again!