I’ve built of few RG kits since I started Gunpla. None have disappointed me, and the RG Strike Freedom doesn’t either. I built the PG Strike Freedom last year, and it is a great big monster of a kit, but it’s also problematic: the wings are delicate to position and their joint onto the backpack is prone to breaking.
Since I saw the RG version was going to be released, I wanted to build it to improve on what I did for the PG, and to be able to pose it and display its wings to their full. Starting with the basic mech, it has good detail and stands well. I’m much preferring the darker blue scheme and I think it goes very well with the gold.
There is good part colour differentiation on this kit, but still I think it benefits from the masking to add more.
The guns works well and join together solidly.
And although the rail guns lack the full articulation of the PG, they’re solid and I’m preferring the darker metallic blue that I went with.
Leg articulation works well. I had to add some hand-painted gold details to match up with how the knee on the PG.
What I was unable to do with the PG is properly display the wings. With the RG I really can show off the wings and the extra “Wings of the Sky” pack really adds to the result!
And yes, the model still stands with the wings attached.
The small stand included is a little fiddly, but it comes with clear articulated arms to hold the dragoons.
Here we can clearly see the mottled dark blue, and how nice it looks under the bright light and in contrast to the gold of the wings.
how did u get the texture on the metallic blue parts? What paints did u use?
http://www.graemenattress.com/rg-strike-freedom/ has all the details of the build.
The dark blue parts were painted with Tamiya gunmetal, followed in layers by Tamiya clear blue, Tamiya smoke and Createx clear blue paint. I needed all those layers to get the blue dark enough for my liking.
Because the Createx clear blue went on a little mottled, that’s how we have the texture you’re seeing.