The RX-105 comes out much bigger than your typical 1/144 kit, much more like the size of a typical 1/100. That means there’s enough scale to get in some pretty decent detail.There’s a lot of water slide decals you can put on the kit. I put all the large ones on and most of the smaller ones. There comes a point when I can’t justify putting more on for the amount of effort it takes, and how cluttered it can look.
A lot of the parts, like these legs needed masking for the grey sections with the small line detail on them. The decals went over the panel lines nicely without need for any decal softening.
The kit comes with a clear plastic stand and these rather interesting forcefield effects parts. The stand plastic is brittle and breaks easily.
The gun comes out looking pretty good, but it’s basic in its construction design and needs a good deal of masking to get it looking right while avoiding the dreaded stickers.
The Hobbymate supplied metal thrusters are great. They took a little work to add onto the legs, necessitating the trimming down and sanding of the original plastic thrusters. I like how the white panel lines work on the deep blue, especially with the white decals. The sections on the blue that I went over with the Tamiya clear blue stand out nicely without being too over-the-top.
There’s a lot of decals to go onto the rear wings and the triangular shoulder wings. A lot of decals! I took my time and lightly top-coated every so often to seal in place the work before I did more on that part so as to avoid disturbing what I’d got right.
You can see some small yellow patches that are stickers on the kit that I hand-painted in painted with Tamiya lemon. Because the areas were nicely recessed, this works well and looks neat.
It’s nice that the missiles on the shoulder were made as separate parts rather than give the painter a hard masking or hand-painting job.
Hi. Nice work as always. Your finish work is really an inspiration to me to improve on my plamos. I have one favour to ask. Is it possible to take a photo of the Future bottle you are using and also the ingredients? I found a future product where I am but I’m not sure if it has the same formula. The one I found is called Pledge Floor Care Multi Surface Finish. Thanks if you are able to help me out.
can you give me some other brand similar to the future floor finnish because in my country i just cannot find any. But anyway your work is amazing and i take your work as an inspiration to me in modeling
Life got busy this week, so I’ll try to remember to grab a picture of the Future.
I’m not sure what any equivalent of Future Finish would be, especially for it’s use as a paint thinner! There’s plenty of gloss top-coats available that work similarly for making the surface shiny and protected but I don’t know of anything else that has the equivalent properties for thinning paint.
In the meantime, look here: for a good resource on FF and its uses and bottles and names around the world!
thanks 😀 i hope to see more of your work
I’ve added a “tricks & tips” post section to the blog. The first post is all about Future Finish, and yes, there’s a picture of the bottle.
I’ve already had a request for a tutorial on masking. What other tricks & tips would you like to read about or technique you’d like a tutorial on?
Hi GN. Thanks for the new section and photos of future. Besides masking, I would like to see tutorials on ab. Planning to get one next year but have no idea at all about psi and the difference of paint for higher or lower psi value, etc. Once again thanks for the replies and being helpful. Really appreciate it. Keep up the good work.
I just bought a new bottle of Future and the bottle design changed again! It’s the same stuff though. I’ll add the new picture to the page.
AB I feel I’m still learning but I can certainly put down what I’ve learned so far.
Not a bad idea to put down what you’ve learned si far and update when necessary. At least can be of some help to those are interested in investing into an ab